
Revelation Records Roots

Either my memory is mush or Revelation Records were pulled from Cooch and Nick P’s collections. Pics were taken and then shirts were screened by Joey C / ASAP. 100 sounds WAY too high. I would guess there are fewer than 4 dozen. I know at least one red shirt with white ink exists too… Continue reading ».


More Mental

As you know, we love Mental. If you didn’t see my post on VinylNoize, make sure to check it out. Great lot. And this is one of my favorite LONGSLEEVE Mental shirts. They have so many awesome short sleeve designs, that I’d be hard pressed to name my favorite. But there are very few longsleeves:… Continue reading ».

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Early AM BINS Galore!

Holy crap, xxxbostons just poured out a butt load of BIN’s on this early Tuesday morning, and it just so happens that this insomniac was looking right at eBay when they went up… I mean seriously, we got no warning that this onslaught of BINS was coming! This isn’t even the half of it. There’s… Continue reading ».


Lockin Out – Friends Only Hood??

I don’t recall things like Lockin Out Records, and we’ll get to the bottom of this. Update: Greg says, “Nah I think I sold them on our last tour with Blacklisted and Iron Age.” Which was independently backed up by Rick below. Word.


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