Helmet Meantime Tour Tee
I love Helmet. I remember buying this cassette as a beb and literally wearing it out. Meantime was ill. And it was all courtesy of sneaking MTV when my parents weren’t looking. Such a great album. This is a tour tee, probably 92 or 93 released. They hit up both Providence and Boston. Civic Center… Continue reading ».
Cannae – Zip Sweatshirt
My friend Mikey Incite used to drum for Cannae. Before that he drummed for fortydaysrain and before that Incite (obviously). I can’t think of many fortydaysrain fans. The only dude that REALLY comes to my is JD from Shipwreck. That dude LOVES fortydaysrain (and pretty much everything mid 90s New England core). Quality dude. JD… Continue reading ».
Slayer – ’91 Sweatpants
In 1991, I was 12 years old. I would have described these sweatpants as “the most amazing thing ever.” In 2009, I am currently 30 years old. After all these years, my mind has matured, and my vocabulary has expanded. Today, I will describe these as “the fucking most awesome thing ever.” The more things… Continue reading ».
1989 Slayer – Slaytanic Wehrmacht tour shirt
My favorite Slayer graphic. kind of sketchy. kind of awesome. bonus for 1989 tour dates on the back. minus bonus for cut off sleeves.