There’s blood in the water
If you see blood in the water you should probably go to the doctor. There could be a few causes. First if it is in your stool it could be one of the following Colorectal Cancer, Crohns Diesase,Uclerative Colitis or even a Hemorrhoid. Second if it is in your urine it could be Hematuria or… Continue reading ».
The Trocadero – Philadelphia, PA
Unlike a lot of you, I never got to enjoy The Trocadero during it’s hey day. In fact, I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a gig there. It’s possible I have not. But if you ask old Philly heads (or the dudes in Reign Supreme), they will likely wax poetically about the venue called… Continue reading ».
Goldenberg Peanut Chew
From what I gather, Goldenberg Peanut Chews are a Philadelphia tradition. They’ve been around and kicking for 90 years. Originally, they were rationed to Joes in the First World War. Peanuts equal lots of power and protein in a small punch. I can see that. And originally, they were all dark chocolate. They must be… Continue reading ».
Rain On The Parade
If there was one band Spaulding liked more than adultcrash2009. We shall see.