Positive Peer Pressure shirt
Ok, before you scroll down and take a look at the pictures, I can tell you that this thing is BEAT UP. This one would be nice to add to your collection of PPP shirts strictly for the color combo. If I see you wearing this out, I will point and laugh. Seller cappatron has… Continue reading ».
Its OK not to wear sleeveless
coinandpapermoney brings us something we dont see too often on TTD, a Positive Peer Pressure shirt. Its a nice change of pace. Unfortunately for me it is sleeveless but that is good news for you as I wont be bidding on it. I think Morgodo should get this. Seller has some weirdo instructions in the… Continue reading ».
WTF? Positive Peer Pressure shirt
Ok, so I have let thisone go long enough, and now it’s time to talk about it. This Positive Peer Pressure shirt has been listed, relisted, and listed again and it is a weird time all around. It seems that seller coinandpapermoney is trying to pull a shady on on us by posting the picture… Continue reading ».
WTF? Listing Fail
Do you want to tell parentsmeller308 or should I? Check the title of his listing. It’s sad because this is a real nice Positive Peer Pressure reprint from React Records. That $10 BIN should make up for it.** ** thanks to a loyal reader for pointing this one out to me. Wow, just wow.