Keeper of The Reaper Hats
Our boy Reaper Records hats. Worn tees are different than worn hats. These are unworn. Good.
More and more people have been asking us lately to post up some bigger tees. Which I’m happy to do. I get tired of seeing all my favorite tees being sold in baby sizes. This time around, we’re looking at a 2XL butchery66. I will always survive.
Tee Till Death/Reaper Records Supertouch shirt
Our old friend, seller bettysstealsndeals has listed up the shirt half of the Tee Till Death/Reaper Records Supertouch 7″. It should be noted that this seller hates Murphy. I sure do hope that is why he is selling this. I mean, who could hate Murphy?? Anyway, if we could get a comment from the seller… Continue reading ».
Do you recognize the face?
A few minutes ago this image hit my inbox from Reaper Records HQ. This is your first look at some United Blood merch. The first person who can tell us where the face is from will win a free shirt. Let’s hear it boys and girls!