
The History of Blue Grape Merchandise

It’s not often that I say this, but god bless the internet. You can seriously find the coolest information via the internet these days. A reader (thanks @thexkev) just shot over this link to the Metal Inquisition Blog and it blew my fucking mind. In this post, the author details his love of buske. Yes,… Continue reading ».


Metal Monday Payback.

Whoa, I could have sworn I had this one scheduled to close out Metal Monday hours ago, but looks like it didn’t take. So with 30 minutes left in the day, here’s one more quick one from krmilliman. And who knew Slayer were patriotic?

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Miscellaneous Metal Monday.

Real quick, before we get back to some more detailed Metal Monday postings, I just want to post up a bunch of the cooler looking tees being sold by krmilliman, all of which fall into both the artistic aesthetic and historical significance categories I spoke of before… My favorite is the Vio-lence tee, because let’s… Continue reading ».

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Jesus Loves Metal Monday.

Sure he does. Why else would he keep making appearances on metal band’s merch? Don’t answer that. jtdxdk28 landon6662001

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