Judge Bringing it Down shirt
One of my least favorite Judge shirts but its a Judge shirt so its pretty much better than all other shirts. When ever I see this one I think it looks like a Lost and Found shirt. I know its not but thats what comes to mind. Its got that L+F vibe going on
Floorpunch Final Mosh
Another one of these bad boys is on the chopping block. What more can I say that you dont know. Love the sleeve print. I have this in Medium deadstock(never worn or washed), will trade for Large. Not for sale though. Get at me dog
Gorilla Biscuits 1991 longsleeve
We have had this shirt up a few times but always in black. I dont think I have ever seen a grey one. What really got me psyched on this joint is that its a “Screen Stars” brand longsleeve. I dont think I have ever seen a screen stars LS. Anyone else have a shirt… Continue reading ».
Insted belly shirt
Im not an Insted super fan. Dont get me wrong, I like them but Id rather listen to Madball or Minor Threat. I do love this shirt though and would wear it greatly. This is such a great design. I wish every band had a shirt as crucial as this. Personal side note – I… Continue reading ».