A Legit Lot
If you can’t get the real deal, you might as well get the next best thing. This would be the next best thing. And thanks to soulvice88, you can get two in one bump. Token Entry and Outburst? Great combo.
Grey Area
I remember when this album dropped. AJ picked it up from Newbury Comics in Shrewsbury, and we all gave it a listen. It was obviously different than anything we were expecting. But you know what? I was into it. It wasn’t hardcore but it had plenty of rock. Obviously more Token Entry than Warzone, but… Continue reading ».
Couple of cool stickers ending soon
Token Entry shirt
Pre Ebay days I always used to be so psyched and impressed when I would see someone wearing a Token Entry shirt at a show. They seemed so rare at the time. Now with internet, cheap printing, shitty bootleggers, reprints it is pretty easy to get your hands on a TE shirt. Great logo. Always… Continue reading ».