Justice Road Crew
One of my all time favorite shirts I own! I had one and actually it got lost then this past year Geoff TDT actually hoooked me up with the one from his own personal collection and I am super grateful. Thanks again Geoff. I love Justice! Pre hearing Justice I was a typical USA HC… Continue reading ».
GB 91 tour
People in Europe in 1991 really hated sleeves! I see this shirt with the sleeves cut off way too often. This thing looks like a giant square. You could rock this over a nice hoodie though. Get down!
more Ignite goodness
Now this is an Ignite shirt that I can back. Good looking shirt. Faded to that perfect shade of grey. Plus it has TeeTillDeath’s favorite characteristic – Sleeve Print! I probably saw this tour at the CT or North Hampton,MA shows. Or maybe both. Again I wish that I kept a list of all the… Continue reading ».
Agnostic Front 1990 tour shirt
Its funny before I got this shirt I had never seen it before. Since then I have seen no less than three. I love the bootleg Taggart art. Honestly I back any sort of Skinhead Demon art! Especially ones with bloody sledgehammers smashing judges and cops. So cool. Plus it gets bonuses for having the… Continue reading ».