
Ugly Is Right.

I must have subconsciously decided that I wanted to torture myself today, because I managed to save all of the ugliest gear from janvanderdam’s otherwise excellent auctions all for one day… These are nowhere near as bad as the pastel patterns of puke (that makes no sense, I just wanted to use alliteration) I showed… Continue reading ».


Ugly Is Right.

I don’t know how I feel about this LOA shirt from xbestoneyetx. I go back and forth on it… It’s definitely very 90s alternative skateboarder looking. And when I titled this post, I wasn’t into it. But now that I’ve stared at it for awhile, it’s quickly grown on me. Much like the Ugly album… Continue reading ».


Youth Of Today crooked print/ass print long sleeve

Here is a wacky one-off Youth of today shirt made by someone who worked at Revelation Records. Seller ironic_iconic gives us the following description. “Okay, this is a weird one, it was given to me by my brother who made it himself when he worked at Revelation, it is supposed to have a “Cow design”… Continue reading ».


The Skies Would Be Full Every Day.

Seller xredhand6969 brings us a cool Life Of Agony shirt that I don’t think we’ve ever seen on here before… Judging from the lyric snippet on the back, this must be Ugly era LOA (there’s also the fact that the seller mentions he got it at a Lupo’s LOA show in 1996). While Ugly is… Continue reading ».

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