** that’s a lie. I don’t really LOVE LIHC with that much vigor. I enjoy LIHC, and I dig LIHC, but I think the term LOVE would be a bit of a stretch. But I know plenty of you dudes live and breath these tunes. Or at least, live and breath in Long Island pride…. Continue reading ».
A Band Only Jim C Could Love … VOD … BIN
That Outspoken BIN didn’t last for very long. All you Labor Day people must have finished your bbqs and are just hanging around your computers waiting for BINs to pop up. I don’t blame you, I’m doing the same thing. After grilling up some pizzas, eating ice cream and washing dishes, I’m in the same… Continue reading ».
I Saw VOD The Other Night.
This past Friday at the Gramercy Theatre, to be specific. And if he wasn’t in Virginia, it wouldn’t surprise me that xrebelheartsx had been there too, and immediately gone home and put this shirt up in sadness… Not that it was a surprise, since it’s been the case since like 1998, but VOD in 2010… Continue reading ».
Some more Tuesday afternoon BINs!
Do any of you XL folks happen to need a Shift or Vision Of Disorder shirt on the cheap? Just wondering…