U.Y. W-B
I’m still kicking myself for not picking up this jrohara. And if you missed them at United Blood, here’s a vid. Catch up. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2Y3-EsazGw Look at Rifkin. What a goon. Solid Dead End Path LOC tee.
Dead End Path UB
One of the highlights of Fridays United Blood fest will definitely be straight from the band. I suggest you do that too.
Seldom Seen Title Fight
Some this one, which is more frequently seen in tie dye (Tre’s favorite!!!). And this one from disciplinex. Sure, you see the grey shirt, and sometimes the black shirt. But the red shirt? Not very frequently. I have this one on a hood and it isn’t bullet proof. But this one appears pretty bullet proof…. Continue reading ».
Not Metal Monday: Stick Together Tank Top
Someone was just complaining to me about metal monday. Seems this person is not a metal head and wishes to see more crucial gear. We hear you folks. We aren’t giving up on Metal Monday though. Metal Monday has spawned some of the greatest stories from our readers (Chauncey, I’m looking at you on this… Continue reading ».