Stick Together – Tease
Dear Stick Together. Why did you do me dirty? That’s just not right. Seriously, fucked up. Lets take a look at this 5 PANEL HAT from soulvice88. It is basically my dream come true. 5 panel hat — check. Embroidered logo — check. Great straight edge band merch — check. Leather cinch — boo fucking… Continue reading ».
Hoodrack is NOT mad!
Nah, not really. Hoodrack isn’t mad. Why should he be mad? There are two people mad here. One is Stick Together shirt that I need in a size small?!? Size small can suck it. How about a medium or large, folks? This shirt design is a favorite around here. I mean, you can’t go wrong… Continue reading ».
Disengage – Wilkes-Barre Straight Edge
Oh man. I feel like an idiot. I traded away my Disengage shirt. So stupid. Great shirt, and I traded it away. Dumb move. You know what is not a dumb move? Claiming that Disengage is a straight edge band. The last time I claimed a Wilkes-Barre band was straight edge, a bunch of dudes… Continue reading ».
The Bad Seed
Bad Seed. Wilkes-Barre represent. Watch this video because it is awesome. httpv:// a) Breakdown cover. A little sloppy but so good. b) Hoodrack representing in the pit. That’s an instant seal of approval. c) Al Bite pitting. Al Bite pitting. Al Bite pitting. Now go snag these tees from xwarofwordsx. The chucky one is …… Continue reading ».