Jersey BINs for Big Dudes
Yo big dudes. Head over to southjerseyhxc’s auctions and snag some of these gems. Anything between XL to XXXL. That’s right. Three X. Small dudes need not apply, unless you plan on wearing this with a friend. Actually, please do that.
Pat And Hudon, If You Read This, I Love You
I LOLed when I read that line from Have Heart hood from the last tour. Limited to 8. Printed for the band, a few friends and him (I would assume he is also a friend, mind you). He just isn’t an XXL guy anymore. It happens.
Yellow Shirts Are Awesome
We can all agree that navy shirts suck. Just a terrible color. And black shirts are played. My closet is stacked with them, it’s ridiculous. White shirts never get old, but it’s great to see something a little different out there. atlxlifer has different. He brings us a trio of yellow shirts. Some great items… Continue reading ».
I Will Defend Your Name
Another for the XXL crew. You can count on coldlife86.