
Take Courage – Maine Hardcore Hood

I’ve never heard of Take Courage. No idea, literally, never heard of them.

But this hood is ill looking. It reminds me of the In My Eyes demo tape, actually. I can stand behind some quality Maine Hardcore gear. After all, I did spend 18 years of my life rolling around that state (I’ve definitely been to all 4 “corners.” Wheeeee).

207. What up?

Vintage Take Courage – Maine Hardcore Hood tee

Uh, but this image bums me out. And then after digging, I got even further bummed out.

Vintage Take Courage – Maine Hardcore Hood tee

Um, pass, no thanks.

One time my friend loaned me his Strongarm CD. He said that I “would love this hardcore band.” Oooooffffff, SCAMMED!

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  1. Casali says:

    Where are these guys taking courage?

  2. xfarsidex says:

    christian hardcore…, that makes a lot of sense.

  3. Jnaidoo says:

    was Jesus posi ?

  4. jawkDNA says:

    LOL @ “spirit filled hardcore”

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