

Does kilowatjacafonis1 sell anything that’s not unworn and unplayed and unfestlimited? Doesn’t seem like it. But hey, at least this gives me an opportunity to continue with my TIHC reviews…

Vintage THIS IS HARDCORE: Backtrack. tee

Vintage THIS IS HARDCORE: Backtrack. tee

…thing is, we missed Backtrack completely. We were shooting for getting there in time for them to be the first band we saw on Saturday (12 hours of hardcore is a lot, so when you’re my age you pick your spots), but the show was running ahead of schedule (!!!) and we got there right as they were finishing up. I heard good things though. No motorcycles, that’s for sure.

Vintage THIS IS HARDCORE: Backtrack. tee

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  1. Caputo says:

    So glad I picked one of these up at TIH before they sold out.

  2. mike says:

    i think this dude plays in a socal band but dont take me word for it. maybe creatures or xibalba?

  3. shanexedge says:

    the bid is up to $420?! you gotta be shitting me.

  4. KeithxAlert says:

    Holy shit. If I wasn’t so lazy waiting behind that huge as crowd of people at their merch table, I’d have copped this shirt. 420 though?! Holy shit.

  5. b. murphy says:

    It’s jumped up to $680 at this time. LOTS of fake bidders, obviously.

    I think the other one available on ebay is getting hit by internet pranksters now too.

  6. zac says:

    wtf. i looked at this and it was like 25$ a few days ago…
    what the hell…
    just what the hell.

  7. alfredo g says:

    dude is not in xibalba

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