
Thrasher Mag and Back Page Advertisements

Back in the 92-94, there were ads in the back of Thrasher Magazine for various hardcore shirts. Some appeared legit, but after receiving the item, it was pretty obvious these were not official band releases. Some of the shirts would later be featured at stores that pre-dated Hot Topic. Shops you’d see on the shore. These stores don’t exist anymore. Fuck, why can’t I think of the name of this store right now? Someone, please give me the answer. You could buy smiley face tees, GI Joe tees and Youth Of Today tees all in one shot. Pretty cool store. Definitely was before it’s time though. Now you have Hot Topics in every mall in the country spewing forth zipper pants and black fingernails. BARF.

Vintage Thrasher Mag and Back Page Advertisements tee

Vintage Thrasher Mag and Back Page Advertisements tee

Vintage Thrasher Mag and Back Page Advertisements tee

Vintage Thrasher Mag and Back Page Advertisements tee

Check out hows_your_edge’s other auctions too.Vintage Thrasher Mag and Back Page Advertisements tee

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  1. josh says:

    we had T-SHIRT CITY near me back in the day. They had the heat transfer shirts, had all the novelty shirts, smileyface bullethole shirts and some metal, punk & hardcore shirts.

    There was also Wild Child in Milford, MA which sold pretty much all metal & hardcore stuff. I remember getting a Judge shirt there, GB, Misfits and some otheres. They also did instore meet & greet things there and I met the Bosstones and Nuclear Assault there.

  2. XbsX says:

    Sessions Surf and Skate was the first place I saw HC shirts back in 88 or 89. They also had punk shirts. Shirts I remember were Minor Threat, Insted, B’LAST, Black Flag, DK, JFA, PIL, The Faction and a lot more that I just realized I don’t feel like listing.
    I never ordered from there though. That was before my mail order frenzy of adolescence.

  3. XbsX says:

    Also, I got Shelter-Perfection of Desire, COS-The one thing that still holds true, Minor Threat-OoS, and Turning Point-It’s always darkest longsleeves at some boardwalk shop in Ocean City, MD in 92 or 93. I sold all of them after high school because I am stupid.

  4. zac says:

    that insted shirt is soooo sick.
    and that yot is worth saying a few things about too.
    if anyone has either in a l or xl, i would love to buy it from you.

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