
Trash American Style Unloads Tees …

This one must be near and dear to our own JayBil.

Trash American Style is selling all their old tshirt stock on ebay. FOR FUCKING CHEAP. $10-12 Buy It Now prices. You won’t see gems like this going for so cheap in quite some time.

I may just scoop up that Straight Ahead tee before all you fuckers see it.

Vintage Trash American Style Unloads Tees … tee

Vintage Trash American Style Unloads Tees … tee

Vintage Trash American Style Unloads Tees … tee

Vintage Trash American Style Unloads Tees … tee

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  1. Jnaidoo says:

    got that Guilt shirt in LS

  2. josh says:

    I got that Raw Deal shirt at a show in Florida that they played with Slapshot. Great design!

  3. jbil says:

    I copped one of those Straight Ahead shirts when they were printed up. it must have been aroud 2000-ish? the dude from Hat City(the shop that originally printed all the old NYHC shirts) printed it up. came in red too. mine been in constant rotation for around 10 years now so its gettng nice and thin :)
    my only beef with it is that even though he got the image from the 12″ cover he used a font from the computer instead of using the cover. i ahve no idea why but thats why the SA type is so clean instead of a bit handcut looking like on te record

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