
Ugly Is Right.

I don’t know how I feel about this LOA shirt from xbestoneyetx. I go back and forth on it…

Vintage Ugly Is Right. tee

Vintage Ugly Is Right. tee

It’s definitely very 90s alternative skateboarder looking. And when I titled this post, I wasn’t into it. But now that I’ve stared at it for awhile, it’s quickly grown on me. Much like the Ugly album itself: didn’t care for it when I first heard it, but I gave it a couple listens and now I rock it almost as much as RRR. Soul Searching Sun on the other hand… still only one good song on that one.


Vintage Ugly Is Right. tee

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  1. mosher says:

    the back print is awesome. i’m pretty into that purple/blue colour scheme on the front too though. the back seals the deal.

    who is the artist? who is ALAN 96?

  2. tre says:

    The front is very 90’s and very stupid. “Hey, let’s put our logo in a circle like those Phillies Blunt shirts! Yeah dude”

  3. alfredo g. says:

    desire is also another banger on SSS that and weeds. thats it.


  4. josh says:

    looks like an American Idol parody… just a lot of years early

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