There is usually a lack of Verbal Assault love on the blog, but that is ONLY because the lack of shirts for sale. I celebrate the whole Verbal Assault catalog, but perhaps I am biased because I love Rhode Island. One time Snapcase played a show here and sent out a song for everyone in Rhode Island. The broke into “Backstab” and no more that 2 people knew it. Shout out to Shane Mackie. Sad times indeed.
Now onto this shirt. I have been told in the past that this shirt was made by someone in No For An Answer(drummer perhaps). I have seen it in a few colors, but most of them are on some cheap ass shirt. The one I have currently does not have the color splotch filled in, and is on a brand called ” HEVY-T GRAND ILLUSION”. Yeah. Still a cool shirt, and I will be sending this post to Chris Jones to see if he can elaborate on this shirt.
Told you I love me some RIX! Thanks TOM Z!
wftf covered verbal assault once at an RI show, went over ok.
You really like “Exit”?
I will make no apologies :)
You’re welcome on that plate.
That snapcase show, was that the one at babyhead with despair?
It was at the living room with Mouthpiece I believe, but my mind is fuzzy.