
Wilkes-Barre Hardcore … Here To Stay!

I was lucky enough to see hang at the Triple B Records showcase all weekend. Lots of great bands played but to be honest, I think Wilkes-Barre stole the show. Seriously, holy shit, how good were these bands? Split over two days, but the WB crew came and represented. United Youth kicked off day one, and had GREAT Uniform Choice rip off shirts. Don’t be an idiot, download their demo right now (sorry Barrow, it’s ripped at 160 kbps).

Sadly, I couldn’t find any Disengage tees on ebay for your enjoyment. Mostly because you’d be dumb stupid if you sold your Disengage tshirt. Back To Back Records represent, such a great band. You’ve seen Ned with a guitar and mic stand, but this is Ned letting loose. And we’re fans. Since you can’t get a Disengage tee, go ahead and grab one from this … other band. Maybe you’ve heard of them.

Vintage Wilkes-Barre Hardcore … Here To Stay! tee

Next up was Stick Together. Seriously, so good. No joke good. If you happened to catch them with Maximum Penalty last night, consider yourself lucky. Lots of Straight Edge pride up there.

Then day two brought us Dead End Path. Not so positive, but damn, these dudes bring the mosh. Keep your eyes peeled for a AWESOME longsleeve, great Supertouch Painted Sky rip. Thanks Uriah! Much appreciated. You can find one of their shirts up on the Triple B Records bigcartel site. You can only get these shorts from the band directly OR ebay, of course…

Vintage Wilkes-Barre Hardcore … Here To Stay! tee

Vintage Wilkes-Barre Hardcore … Here To Stay! tee

So yeah, Wilkes-Barre Hardcore, here to stay! Maybe not still on top, but certainly here to stay. And that doesn’t even include Bad Seed … And a ton of other great bands. Too many to list, obviously. And I’m sure you will leave some comments about what bands I forgot, neglected or attributed to the wrong city. Thanks.

Vintage Wilkes-Barre Hardcore … Here To Stay! tee

Very excited. Very.

Vintage Wilkes-Barre Hardcore … Here To Stay! tee

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  1. mosher says:

    for the sake of dedication i wouldnt mind seeing this DEP painted sky design.

  2. b. murphy says:

    Figures, the one shirt I didn’t get in my pic over the weekend. I’ll try and get one up later.

  3. Al Bite. says:

    Still on top.

  4. Paige Villareal says:

    fuck these are sick

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