Can anyone tell me what’s going on with this shirt from tehnovemberist? I’m positive it’s a Converge tee at the base, but is it a mash up of other logos too? The seller claims it was purchased on a Converge/ Thursday/ Touche Amore tour. We’ve seen Jane Doe incorporated with other logos. Is that the case here? Is Thursday a shiny heart? Is Touche Amore a slice of pizza (what else could that be in the left hand side eye? Ice cream cone?)? Anyone? The print lists it as the Winterhearts 09 print. The print is actually pretty cool looking. Somehow that art translates much better to print than cotton. Thoughts?
yeah dude this is legit. i’ve seen heaps of these around. on the back it has all the names of the bands on the tour.
I wasn’t calling it a bootleg, I was calling it weird.
its not a mash up , they made a print before called winter hearts for this design , i first saw this shirt on the high on fire , mastodon tour they did
weird, i picked up a shirt on that tour that had jane doe worked in with all the other logos, and it looked absolutely nothing like this. no idea what the deal is with this one.
touche amore stinks up any shirt they are on
Yo this my auction its not a mash up , They did have a mash up on that tour tho , it was sweet . This is just a shirt with the print on it and I agree I don’t think it really transfers from paper to shirt hah. The back has the faded Converge logo with lyrics on top of the logo really small.
touche amore is probably the best hardcore band going right now, in my opinion. watching them takes me back to the days of the space in worcester. phenomenal live band playing a style that, for me, is a breath of fresh air in a scene that’s currently saturated with nyhc-esque mosh (a style i also enjoy but it gets old seeing 4-5 bands in a row play essentially the same set).