
WTF is going on here?

I mean jesus christ look at this picture. It looks like a promo shot for TV show featuring Alan Thicke and Jessica Biel that never got off the ground. The “girl” on the right has obviously been photo shopped over a picture of a dude with what I can only imagine is a SICK arm tattoo. The best part is that the seller uses the same picture template in most of the other auctions. Dear lord, have some pride in what you are selling, even if it’s crap.

Vintage WTF is going on here? tee

Vintage WTF is going on here? tee

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  1. ChaunceyCC says:

    The seller got his aunt and uncle to pose for these pictures. Cute.

  2. Andrew says:

    The Black Flag shirt is just plain weird, wtf!!

  3. XbsX says:

    I was going to mention the BF shirt then I saw the Type O shirt and said WTF myself? Original, really?

  4. no names please says:

    it’s just someone with access to a brother GT-782 machine, i assume.

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