Do you know Big Bob?
This dude is seriously one of my favorite fucking people. Great dude, very loyal. Loves the Edge. Once had a conversation with two girls about “what kind of edges they had.” That I don’t get, but dude is stellar.
If you don’t know Big Bob, I suggest you read the Isaac Golub interview on xSTUCK IN THE PASTx (while you are there, read everything on that blog. Soooo much great stuff there). Big Bob leaves a super hefty response to Isaac. It’s worth reading the interview AND all the comments. Big Bob’s comments hit the mark in my book. We see eye to eye on a lot of stuff. I mean, besides him not being vegan or vegetarian anymore.
Now this shirt, wow, I don’t know. The front is super wide. If it was smaller, chest print, it’d make an AMAZING one sided shirt. Then the back. Eh. I was never into that graphic. But it’s a simple enough design that it could be worn everyday and not be overplayed. But it’s all yours. I won’t fight you for it, don’t worry.
you say Straight Edge is just a passing phase, I say no sellout still loyal to the grave