
Youth Of Today crooked print/ass print long sleeve

Here is a wacky one-off Youth of today shirt made by someone who worked at Revelation Records. Seller ironic_iconic gives us the following description.

“Okay, this is a weird one,
it was given to me by my brother who made it himself when he worked at Revelation, it is supposed to have a “Cow design” on this shirt and “Go Vegetarian” down the sleeve. As my brother was a meat eater, but wanted a Youth Of Today long sleeve, he decided to make his own version and this is what he came up with, it’s kind of an original as it was made in 1991 from the original screens, even though this exact design was never made by Revelation. It is what it is. I kinda like the askew Rev logo even though it was unintentional.”

Vintage Youth Of Today crooked print/ass print long sleeve tee

Vintage Youth Of Today crooked print/ass print long sleeve tee
Check seller ironic_iconic‘s other auctions for more weird ass shit.

Vintage Youth Of Today crooked print/ass print long sleeve tee

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  1. mosher says:

    definitely wouldnt want to get buried in that shirt!

  2. xfarsidex says:

    maybe not in this particlar shirt, but the front looks good and i think it’s a more decent design than what REV has been putting out.

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