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22 Controversial Vintage T-Shirts That Are to Die For

Vintage Controversial T-Shirts


22 Controversial Vintage T-Shirts That Are to Die For

The vintage t-shirt enthusiast behind @redrumretro on IG actually moonlights as an assistant manager in a sneaker store, but he assures us his mind is on t-shirts 110% of the time. He owns hundreds of vintage t-shirts but there are about 60 you’d have to pry from his cold dead hands. Most of those are Type O Negative tees and controversial ones that feature murderers, killers, cults, and other unpleasantries.

“As soon as I saw my first Charles Manson shirt, I believe I saw Axl Rose rocking one in an old photo and I was like well fuck, I need me that,” Bailey told Defunkd. “I’ve always been into the macabre and true crime and the fact these shirts were made at one point and sold within the public eye just blows my mind still to this day.” And there’s plenty of offensive stuff that just doesn’t sit well with him, “Anything pro-nazi is a no-go for me. I’ve seen some horrendous shirts pop up and I’ve thought to myself that’s crazy but just doesn’t align with my beliefs and is just too much. Nazi Punks can Fuck Off,” he said.

Serial killers and vintage t-shirt collectors are similar in that they both experience extreme grief over ‘the ones that got away.’ Redrum once passed on a John Wayne Gacy tee. “It had the date of his death and a photo of him on the front and said in big bold letters ‘Pogo Is Dead’. I still get pissed off I passed on that so I guess I could class that as a grail,” he said. “An original Ted Bundy parking lot tee would be dope too.”

Charles Manson

Vintage 1997 Don’t Fuck With Chuck Parole Troopers T-Shirt

Vintage 1997 Don't Fuck With Chuck Parole Troopers T-Shirt

Vintage 1990s Charlie For President T-Shirt

Vintage 1990s Charlie For President T-Shirt If you Liked George & Ron You'll Love Charlie

Vintage 1990s Charlie’s Angels T-Shirt

Vintage Charles Manson Charlie's Angels T-Shirt

Vintage 1980s Zooport Riot Gear Charlie Don’t Surf T-Shirt

Vintage Charlie Don't Surf T-Shirt Front
Vintage Charlie Don't Surf T-Shirt Rear

Vintage 1990s Charlie’s Not the Messiah T-Shirt

Vintage Charles Mansion Not the Messiah Very Naughty T-Shirt

Vintage Charlie Jesus T-Shirt

Vintage Charles Manson Jesus T-Shirt

Vintage 2000s What Would Charlie Do? T-Shirt

Vintage What Would Charlie Do T-Shirt

Vintage 1990s Got Milk? T-Shirt

Vintage Charles Manson Got Milk? T-Shirt

Vintage 1990s Man Son T-Shirt

Vintage Man Son T-Shirt

O.J. Simpson

Vintage 1990s Free OJ He Will Always Be My Hero T-Shirt

Vintage Free OJ Simpson T-Shirt Front
He Will Alway Be My Hero 32 Back

Vintage 1990s OJ Not Guilty Juice Being Squeezed T-Shirt

Vintage Not Guilty is the Juice Being Squeezed T-Shirt

Let the Juice Loose Pray for OJ

Serial Killers

Vintage 1990s Ted Bundy Before After T-Shirt

Vintage Ted Bundy Before After T-Shirt

Vintage 2000s Jeffrey Dahmer Masterchef T-Shirt

Vintage Jeffrey Daimer Masterchef T-Shirt

Vintage 1990s Jim Jones The Last Supper T-Shirt

Vintage Jim Jones The Last Supper T-Shirt
Vintage 1990s John Wayne Gacy Memorial T-Shirt

Vintage John Wayne Gacy Killer Clown T-Shirt
Vintage John Wayne Gacy 1942-1994 T-Shirt Back

Dictators and Terrorists

Vintage 2000s Wanted Osama Bin Laden T-Shirt

Vintage 2000s Wanted Osama Bin Laden T-Shirt for crimes against humanity

Vintage 1991 Desert Storm Saddam Hussein T-Shirt

Vintage 1991 Desert Storm Saddam Hussein T-Shirt eat shit and die


Vintage 1990s D.A.R.E. Donuts Parody T-Shirt

Vintage Police D.A.R.E. T-Shirt Donut Abuse Resistant Education

Vintage 1990s ACAB Moma Said Not to Talk to Bastards T-Shirt

Vintage ACAB Mommy Said Not to talk to Bastards T-Shirt

Vintage 1990s Join the Army and Kill People T-Shirt

vintage join the army, travel and kill people t-shirt

Vintage 1990s Hiroshima Japan Enola Gay Bomb T-Shirt

Vintage Made in America Tested in Japan enola gay t-shirt

Vintage 1990s Kurt Cobain Suicide Nevermind T-Shirt

Vintage Kurt Cobain Suicide Shotgun T-Shirt nice shootin' son


Vintage 1990s I Was Late for Heaven’s Gate T-Shirt
Vintage I Was Late for Heaven's Gate T-Shirt


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Jimmy founded Defunkd in 2004 when he started selling vintage t-shirts online. 20 years of experience later and he hasn't looked back since. Actually, he looks back all the time given he's a sucker for nostalgia. For more, check the history of Defunkd and Jimmy's Expertise.

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