We Interviewed a 1990s South Park T-Shirt Authoritah

Hi Tyler, aka @wwfsouthparksigns. How many 90s South Park tees do have?

Over 100. Shit, with all the 90s bootlegs and one-offs there is that I have from season one for people’s businesses and spring break-type stuff it’s a lot.

How long have you been collecting them?

I’ve been collecting them seriously within the last 8 years or so but I’ve always collected 1997-1998 South Park stuff since the show came out. I have plush dolls and keychains and shit from when I was a kid. I was always pretty good with saving things I knew I would be bummed if I threw out, even back then.

What are the holiest of grails when it comes to SP tees?

The holiest I would say is that Robert Smith/Barbara Streisand one which is from the episode “Mecha Streisand” from season one, even though this rare shirt came out in 1999. Also the Kenny one in a different language is by far the sickest one I have ever found. There are a few that I have that I’ve never seen pop up again. I’m also a sucker for the classic ones like the 1997 beefcake shirt or ones I would see a lot of cooler parents wear when I was a kid. Those aren’t hard to find at all nowadays but they just have big nostalgic value for me since these were the ones I always saw and wanted as a kid. I was just like, fuck I can’t wait to have my own money so I can buy these! Now I’m 33 and have them all haha.

What’s the most you’ve ever seen one sell for?

They are never really super expensive but I’ve seen some go for $400-ish. They sit there forever on eBay or other apps.

Do you collect all the tees or just the vintage ones?

I only collect 1997-1999 South Park. I have like two 2000 ones. I only watch seasons 1-2 because those episodes are just golden. I’m also a VHS nerd so I watch those episodes a shit load. I’m here for the fart and poop jokes, not for what’s going on each week in the world-type episodes.

Is there an SP tee you’ve been searching for but can’t find?

Of course there is. There’s a Kenny and his family one licensed from 1999 that I slept on once and didn’t get. And there’s a Kyle with Jesus and death shirt that says “holy crap” on it and I’ve been waiting for those to pop up. I’ll be on the lookout forever.

What kind of tags are often on 1990s South Park tees?

You get a lot of Tultex and Logotel tags. I have one that is an actual South Park tag by Stanley Desantis too which is sick.

Do you collect any other types of vintage tees?

Oh yeah. I’m a big fan of the 80s-90s mascots like Spuds Mackenzie, California Raisins, and Bud Man. I love a good running marathon shirt that’s sponsored by a beer company. Also a big Simpsons fan so I have a bunch of 1989 – 1990 Simpsons tees. The WWF attitude era is the shit so I have a lot of those shirts as well. And if you’re not down with that, I got 2 words for ya…

Are you a vintage reseller?

I guess I’m kind of a reseller but nothing crazy. I set up a rack in my neighborhood and try to sell some shirts and other random shit (VHS, toys, etc.) while drinking beers with my girlfriend and some buddies but nothing too crazy.

Can you share a few of your favorite tees?


Vintage South Park T-Shirts 1997-1999

Vintage Bootleg South Park T-Shirts 1997-1999